Our Vision

That Work Supports Health

Our Mission

Keeping You and Your Team Healthy and Productive

Adaptive Health and Safety Hero

Bronwyn Campbell

Bronwyn Campbell

Managing Director and Coach

My passion is keeping people healthy and productive. My area of work is facilitating and coaching people to integrate health and safety systems into other areas of business management. 

My business experience started in 2007 with purchasing a 50% share in a sheep and crop farming operation and in July 2018 I started Adaptive Health and Safety Ltd. My injury prevention journey started at a sawmill that met Tertiary ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices (WSMP) Standard and later in my role in Workplace Injury Prevention at ACC helping employers understand their role in injury prevention at work.

While at ACC I was privileged to be able to audit 55 businesses to the ACC WSMP Standard (discontinued in 2017). The International Standards for Quality ISO 9001:2015, Safety ISO 45001:2018 and Environment ISO 14001:2015 are what guide my work now.

I have seen good practice across many different industries and am excited to share this experience with businesses large and small using my own knowledge along with my trusted network of safety, health and well-being specialists and colleagues. 

I am always learning and improving my life and work.  To keep my standard of work high I am a member of the NZ Institute of Safety Management and a Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety is almost within my grasp, only one more paper to go! Most things I like to do outside of work, is in the company of family and friends especially activities that improve my knowledge around health, food and fitness.