Our Vision

That Work Supports Health

Our Mission

Keeping You and Your Team Healthy and Productive

Adaptive Health and Safety Hero


Adaptive Health and Safety Limited adds value to New Zealand businesses by helping them reach their goals in relation to international and national safety standards. We have experience in a range of industries with a special interest in the agriculture sector.

Owner/operators, employers, company directors, managers and industry and volunteer associations who work with us will be supported to workshop risk management with their team to continually improve their organisation.

We help businesses build on their own knowledge and provide updates and recommendations based on our regular networking with trusted safety, health
and wellbeing specialists and colleagues outside our area of expertise. The depth of our involvement in your health and safety management depends upon the complexity of your organisation and the level of comfort people within your organisation have in dealing with their responsibilities.

There is a need for everyone to understand the risks involved in their activities and how they can prevent harm to anyone as a result of them. Part of this is putting a system in place so your management of the risks can be repeated and improved without having to reinvent the wheel!

If you are unsure where to start or how to continue with your injury prevention work then contact us for chat about possible options for you.

our team

Managing Director and Coach

Adaptive Health and Safety Coach

Brand and Document Control

Accounts / Administration

Office Manager


Review Icon

Review existing Health and Safety System and Plan Solutions.

Supply Icon

Supply Components of a Management System

Coaching Icon

Health and Safety Coaching

Project Coordinator Icon

Human Resources Coach

Coordinator Icon

Environment Plans

Meeting Icon

Meeting Coordinator/Facilitator